Home Fóruns Inventando o Futuro com DragonBoard 410C Programa Linaro Open Hours

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  • Bruno EvangelistaBruno Evangelista
    Número de postagens: 77

    Boa tarde a TODOS,

    Recebemos um convite muito especial, falar sobre o programa de parcerias em IoT no Open Hours da Linaro.

    O evento é online, não há custo associado, o inglês será o idioma oficial e é uma forma de conhecer o Nuno e conhecer um pouco mais das expectativas dele sobre o programa.

    Fiquem a vontade para participar. A gravação fica disponível posteriormente.

    Quinta-feira, dia 11/5/17 as 13horas
    Segue o link: http://www.96boards.org/openhours/

    OpenHours Episode #53 – Ever wonder what might be going on with 96Boards around the world? What about in Brazil? This week we will be speaking with two people who have brought much value to the Brazilian 96Boards community in the form of technology availability and organized tech events. Nuno Filipe joins us to talk about his new Partnership Program (more resources here) as well as other events that will be happening in the near future. Then, Jon “maddog” Hall will take over the mic to talk about the path to building 96Boards in Brazil and possibly even more locations with this same model. We look forward to seeing you all there. As always, you can bring any 96Boards and Linaro questions to the call, the 96Boards team and our OpenHours regulars are glad to help!

    Até o evento,

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